USE THE BUTEYKO BREATHING METHOD TO SLEEP SOUNDLY AND WAKE UP FRESHIn as little as seven days, experience better quality sleep, wake up more alert and benefit from improved day time energy levels.Both snoring and sleep apnea are forms of sleep-disordered breathing, and can be improved and corrected by practicing simple breathing exercises designed to change breathing habits both day and night.The manner in which we breathe during the day determines how we breathe during sleep. If we have developed bad habits, such as breathing through the mouth, periodic sighing, or have noticeable breathing during rest, then this will translate into more intense breathing during sleep.Good breathing during rest should be light, gentle, calm and through the nose. Snoring and sleep apnea is unlikely to occur when breathing is through the nose and light during sleep.Sleep with Buteyko--Physician developed breathing re-education to reduce snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Easy to apply and noticeable results within seven days: YOU WILL BE ABLE TO APPLY THESE EXERCISES AND GUIDELINES AND WAKE UP REFRESHED WITHIN A FEW SHORT DAYS.START TODAY!
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