In order for people with depression to feel safe and understood, it's essential to overcome depression's "language barrier"As The Depression Project hears every single day from members of their 3,000,000+ person social media community, a "language barrier" often exists between people with depression and those around them - in the sense that many words, everyday expressions and non-verbal forms of communication can take on a vastly different meaning than they otherwise would when they are coming from someone who has depression. And, as The Depression Project also continuously hears, this "language barrier" can result in people with depression being judged and criticized; having conflict with their loved ones; feeling alone, misunderstood and unsupported; and being more at risk of attempting suicide.Consequently, in order to overcome this "language barrier" and therefore help people with depression feel safe, understood, supported and much better as a result. This book will: Learning The Language Of Depression is an ideal book for people with depression who would like some help communicating what they are going through so that they can be better understood, as well as friends and family of someone with depression who would like to better understand their loved one and effectively support them.
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